Jessica Simpson är förlovad..
“Yes, we are excited to confirm that they are engaged!” says the rep.
The couple began dating in May, after being introduced by friends. Ever since, they have been spotted getting cozy across the U.S. and overseas – even celebrating her 30th birthday together in Italy.
Simpson recently told PEOPLE she and Johnson, 31, were planning to spend Thanksgiving together.
“We’re all gonna be in New York,” said the entertainer and fashion designer. “I’m gonna be on a [Macy's parade] float. It’s not always the best way to spend a Thanksgiving, but it’s a great way to celebrate. So, maybe I’ll just have all families on the float.”
Explaining how well their relationship was working, Simpson told PEOPLE last month, “This is just normal, thank God. He’s very, very supportive. [I] couldn’t ask for a better man in my life right now.”
Asked if Johnson were the one, she replied: “I never go to that because I already went there, so, I’m not gonna jinx my own self. He’s the one for me right now! I’m very happy, I’m in a great place and if right now could last forever, I’d take it.”
As for Johnson, who’s played for the San Francisco 49ers and the New Orleans Saints, the 6′ 3″ Needham, Mass., native has excelled at sports since he was a kid. At 13, he hit a hole in one on the golf course, and he broke 11 school records while playing wide receiver for Yale University. He’s also a former academic All-American.
Spreading the Love
Also chiming in this past week, Simpson’s brother-in-law, Pete Wentz, told PEOPLE about Johnson: “He’s a really smart guy, and Jessica really loves him. I think that’s the most important thing, seeing her happy,”
Spreading the love herself, only a few days ago Simpson expressed her delight over the engagement of her ex-husband, Nick Lachey to Vanessa Minnillo, saying, “I couldn’t be more happy for Nick.”
Simpson and Lachey split in 2005, after three years of marriage.

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Nick & Jess tillsammans igen?
"On the record or off the record? No on both."
"I think everybody who was a fan of The Newlyweds wants the same thing."
Han har lite rätt i det han säger faktiskt!
Ashlee är inte avundsjuk på sin äldre syster..
"She's always saying, 'Oh, I want a baby!' " Simpson tells October's Redbook, on sale Sept. 22. "Being a mom's so empowering and incredible. I'm one of those people who believes that life brings things to you at a certain time for a certain reason, and if you just go with it, that's where the best moments come from."
When asked about whether she envies sister Jessica, 29, for her freedom as a single gal, Ashlee responds: "I really don't."
10:e September - Jess i Brasilien
Ser ut som att de spelar in The Price Of Beauty. Verkar som att den blonda tjejjen har opererat sig 42 ggr?! Kanske jag som läste fel och hon opererade även sina ögon för att de skulle se mer asiatiska ut!
Sorry att jag spyr ut inlägg nu hehe men de var ju så skoj, känns som att jag kommit tillbaka lite och man lär ju faktiskt ta väl hand om den första Jess bloggen :) ellerhur?

R Y K T E - Jess och John tillsammans igen?
Nej men nu får dom väl ge sig? Tror ni på det här? Jess och John tillsammans igen??
"The day Jessica Simpson becomes fat..."
"That’s just never going to happen - that girl is so small.”
Entertainment Dailys quote of the day :) tycker de var riktigt bra sagt av Kelly!
Jess på catwalken
Fler bilder från Paris
Hennes svarta väska är från Fendi!
3:e September - Jess i Paris, Frankrike
Sjukligt vacker är hon iaf!
4:e September - Jess i Paris
Hon bar en vacker svart klänning :) sååå fin hon är.
My gad vilka shoooes!

31:a Augusti - Jess på LAX

13:e Augusti - Jess, Ken & Cacee i Japan

9:e Augusti - Jess & Ken på LAX

7:e Augusti - Jess tränar för fullt

1:a Augusti - Katsuya

5:e Augusti - Jess firar Ken på Beso
Simpson, 29, hung out with Kardashian, who is also newly single, as well as former assistant and good pal Cacee Cobb. She also got in some mother-daughter time with mom Tina, who was sitting at her table. "[Jessica] really was in a good mood," says the source.
At midnight, a cake with sparklers was brought out to 50 Cent's "It's Your Birthday," and everyone sang "Happy Birthday." "Ken was really touched and thanked everyone for coming," added the source.
Simpson stayed until the very end of the night and was the last one to leave, along with Paves, just before 2 a.m.

- Friends Worry About Jessica Simpson’s ‘Tailspin’
- 20:e September - Jess, Cacee och Ken på vinbar
- N Y H E T - Jess i Carnival outfit
- 12:e September - Jess på LAX
- Behind The Scenes
- Nick & Jess tillsammans igen?
- Ashlee är inte avundsjuk på sin äldre syster..
- 10:e September - Jess i Brasilien
- R Y K T E - Jess och John tillsammans igen?
- "The day Jessica Simpson becomes fat..."
- Jess på catwalken
- Fler bilder från Paris
- 3:e September - Jess i Paris, Frankrike
- 4:e September - Jess i Paris
- 31:a Augusti - Jess på LAX
- 13:e Augusti - Jess, Ken & Cacee i Japan
- 9:e Augusti - Jess & Ken på LAX
- 7:e Augusti - Jess tränar för fullt
- 1:a Augusti - Katsuya
- 5:e Augusti - Jess firar Ken på Beso
- 2006
- 2007
- 2008
- 2009
- Album
- Autumn Feelings
- Blandat
- Dagens Crazy Jess
- Dagens Pose
- Endorsements
- Filmer
- Hårstil
- Intervjuer
- Jessica Simpson Nyheter
- Konserter & Framträdanden
- Lovelife
- Magazines
- Makeups
- Musik
- Newlyweds
- On The Set
- På TV
- Red Carpet
- Stil och Outfits
- Summer Feelings
- Tidningsartiklar
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- Vovven Daisy
- Winter Feelings

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R Y K T E - Jess och John tillsammans igen?
Nej men nu får dom väl ge sig? Tror ni på det här? Jess och John tillsammans igen??

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Jessica Simpson är arg, ledsen och förvirrad
While Tony Romo is reveling in his renewed membership to the Singles-R-Us Club, Jessica Simpson is having a hard time coming to grips with being dumped a day before her 29th birthday.
"Jessica was really blindsided," says a Simpson family friend. "She's sad, mad, and confused. Her emotions are all over the place."
Another source close to Simpson tells PEOPLE that "it's been difficult lately" for the pair, who first started dating in November, 2007.
"Dating her comes along with her celebrity and press - that's not easy for anyone," says Simpson's family friend. "But she and Tony seemingly had it figured out. They rolled with the punches and focused on each other. They just lost sight of that at the end."
Since the sudden split, Simpson has been laying low. "She is holding up okay," says the Simpson source. "She is with her family. They are - as always - very supportive of her."
The one thing the family will not support: The thought of Simpson reconciling with her ex-husband Nick Lachey, who recently split from his girlfriend Vanessa Minnillo. "It won't happen," says a source. "They have no respect for him. Jessica has no respect for him. There is way too much bad blood between Nick and Joe for Jessica to even think about it."
The Simpson clan, however, was upset to see Romo go. "Everyone really liked him," says the Simpson family friend. Adds another source close to the Simpsons: "He wanted this perfect mold of the perfect football girlfriend. People don't realize that Jessica has been worn down by Hollywood. She has insecurities and inner demons that she struggles with. She's not some upbeat blond cheerleader that people want her to be."
But Simpson is, if nothing else, strong. "She's gone through heartache before," says a source. "She wants someone who is on the same page that she is. If she has to move on for that, she will."
• Source:

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Jessica, förkrossad.
Tyckte ni att Jess och Tony passade ihop?
Aftonbladet har en liten artikel ni kan läsa.

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Jessica dejtar Billy Corgan??
Musical worlds are colliding, if reports that Jessica Simpson is dating the Smashing Pumpkins’ Billy Corgan are to be believed.
“She has fallen hard and is smitten,” a source tells E! News, which reports that the 29-year-old romantically unlucky singer and Corgan, 42, are “officially dating.”
When reached by PEOPLE, a rep for Simpson would only say she doesn’t comment on her client’s personal life.
Of course, the two – photographed together in New York Friday – may simply be working on one of music’s most mismatched duets, but until it hits the airwaves, this is one potential relationship we’re keeping our eyes on.

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Jessica ♥ Gerard Butler??
The actor, 39 — who was rumored to be romancing everyone from Bounty costar Jennifer Aniston to Cameron Diaz — was spotted with the 29-year-old singer — and hairstylist Ken Paves — Tuesday night at NYC’s SoHo House.
They “seemed to only be interested in each other and chatted for hours,” a spy told the New York Post’s Page Six. Simpson or Butler have yet to comment, but a source close to the singer tells, “There is nothing romantic there at all.”

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Jessica och Jensen Ackles
Denna kille iaf, gästspelade i Days of our Lives och heter Jensen Ackles. Vet inte om ni kanske känner igen honom. Nu vet ni vem han är iaf :)

10 år gammal bild..

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Jess och Tony har gått skilda vägar
Tony Romo broke up with Jessica Simpson on Thursday, the night before her 29th birthday, a source close to the pop star tells PEOPLE exclusively.
"She is heartbroken," says the source. "She loves Tony. But it's been difficult lately. He's busy with his career and she's getting ready to shoot her show (The Price of Beauty). They decided to part ways."
The Dallas Cowboys quarterback fueled breakup rumors when he showed up with about 14 friends at the Hollywood hotspot MyHouse on Friday night without the birthday girl, a source tells PEOPLE.
"He had quite a few girls stop by his dance floor table," says an onlooker. "Romo was sipping Grey Goose and having a fun time with the boys."
Simpson's rep had no comment. Romo's rep could not be reached for comment.
Simpson had planned to throw a Barbie and Ken-themed party for her birthday, but it fell through, according to a message she wrote on her Twitter page Saturday. "Barbie party didn't happen, but I turned 29 and feel like I am on top of the world yelling I LOVE GETTING OLDER!" she wrote.
Although her heart might be broken, Simpson seems to remain hopeful about love. On Sunday, she Tweeted, "Everyone needs to know that hope floats ... grab the strings and pull it back to you." Three hours later, she wrote, "Falling asleep with my mom and the dogs. Please lord give all of my beautiful fans, friends, enemies, and family rest. Bring all of us peace."

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The End
År: 27:e Maj, 2007
Plats: Cabo San Lucas

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Varför gick Nick och Jessica skilda vägar?!
2002 förlovade dom sig på en yatch utanför Hawaii.
Oct. 26, 2002, gifte dom sig i Austin, Texas och det var kort efter det som Newlyweds satte igång.
I December 2005 meddelade paret att dom skulle skiljas.
Men varför skilde dom sig är ju det man frågar sig.
Man har hört rykten om att Nick skulle varit otrogen med Cacee(Jess föredetta assistent och bästa vän)
Det ska även varit Jess som varit otrogen mot Nick, men vet inte med vem.
Andra säger att det helt enkelt inte funkade, att de var för olika och att de inte hade fungerat bra på en väldigt lång tid. Men varför de verkligen gick skilda vägar står ingenstans och det kanske är lika bra. De måste få ha sitt privatliv precis som vi har vårat.
Vi kan bara fortsätta spekulera i vad som egentligen hände.
Jess har dock berättat i en intervju att hon blev sårad över att Nick gick ut och dejtade så fort efter skilsmässan. Men vem har sagt att killar är bra funtade i skallen?! Tror inte någon kille jag dejtat INTE har gått ut och supit samma dag som de tog slut. Det är väl deras sätt att gå vidare antar jag!
Vad tror du hände egentligen?!

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Jessica och Jensen Ackles
Denna kille iaf, gästspelade i Days of our Lives och heter Jensen Ackles. Vet inte om ni kanske känner igen honom. Nu vet ni vem han är iaf :)

10 år gammal bild..

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Jess & Nicks bröllop

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